The Practice of Living Awareness
This particular tool within the Practice of Living Awareness explores the ground upon which our “being” sits. It explores the various bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) through which consciousness expresses and awareness arises. After all, your luminous perception must have a place to preside; and it does… this place is called YOU, or YOUR BEING.
We have an energetic root system which allows for us to move about the world in a physical body while being an expression of an ever-expanding consciousness. As we reinforce the ground of our being, we offer the stability necessary for that expression to constantly grow, engage, and evolve.
We’re going back to our roots!
We have an energetic root system which allows for us to move about the world in a physical body while being an expression of an ever-expanding consciousness. As we reinforce the ground of our being, we offer the stability necessary for that expression to constantly grow, engage, and evolve.
We’re going back to our roots!
DAY 1The Lungs of the Earth
The air that we breathe is shared by so many living beings, like trees. |
DAY 2The Human Experience
Each unfolding experience creates the momentum of our lives. |
DAY 3Our Playground
Consciousness holds each expression and awareness arises. |